Train The Trainer

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who do not know how to read or write but those who cannot unlearn and relearn. “

It’s not enough to train the workforce; you also have to train the trainer.PM Trainer

The training industry is fast evolving, which makes training for trainers crucial. New methodologies and novel discoveries about the way adults learn, and also the advent of technology and its integration make training an exciting role. Changing expectations from trainees and your company on measuring effectiveness of training adds to the challenges of a trainer.

Training the trainer courses gives practical platform skills and confidence needed for a trainer to succeed. This powerful workshop empowers the trainers with the latest trends and techniques in the learning and development domain. Whether a trainer has been training for a while or has never stepped onto a platform before, this training for trainers workshop will help a trainer become a facilitator of learning, not just a presenter. It will build confidence of the trainer, and help them engage their audience from the beginning, leaving trainees praising the trainer’s abilities.

Also trainers will learn the various ways of evaluating their program and measuring its effectiveness.

This workshop is a certificate program ideal for trainers, subject-matter experts who need to train others or anyone who is looking for new, more effective approaches to learning.

To know more about how we can partner your organisation build trainer competencies, discuss your brief with our consultants.

Get a customised intervention plan that meets your objective, works within your time frame and is budget-friendly.

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