Outbound Training


For many organisations, the term “Outbound Training” implies a fun activity (possibly involving mud and a drink!), in which people get out of the office, do some sweating and dirtying of clothes. But developing team work and team skills, and building high performing teams requires a far more comprehensive approach.

Set in exotic locales close to nature, outbound training workshops are actually very high energy offsite programs designed by experts with agreed outcomes at the beginning. These outcomes may be for attitudinal correction or for skill improvement in the areas of teamwork, team bonding, communication, leadership, time management, problem solving, decision-making, motivation, relationship building, risk taking, moving out of comfort zones, experimentation, receiving feedback, adapting to change, personal development, etc.

Participants in our workshops benefit from:

  • Discovering their unknown potential
  • Discovering complementary skills of team members
  • Recognising the importance of vision, mission, values
  • Reducing conflict and increasing productivity with more open communication and collaboration
  • Motivating each other and fostering team spirit

Click to Know More

We specialise in complete paperless “outbound” programs effecting indelible learning in the minds of our participants.

To build a high performing team that works with high synergy and is self motivated to achieve, discuss your brief with our consultants.

Get a customised intervention plan that meets your objective, works within your time frame and is budget-friendly.

Write to us at: pallab@pallabmitra.com


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